Digital Echidna and Siteimprove Announce Partnership

Siteimprove is a global software-as-a-service company that empowers website editors to continuously test, fix, and optimize the quality of content, and is a…Read more

2019 Clutch Leaders Matrix

Digital Echidna again earns itself a spot on 2019 list of Top Developers. 

Clutch has recently announced its 2019 list of leading…Read more

Planning The Move to Drupal 8/9

Drupal 9 is coming! The release date is set for June 2020. If you were around for the introduction of Drupal 8 in November 2015, you will remember it was a big…Read more

Welcome to the Hallway Track, A New Approach to Conferences

I have been in customer service and sales for 20 years, 10 of those at Digital Echidna. In this time I have been to my share of conferences and tradeshows.…Read more

Chatbots: Details that Make a Difference

Chatbots are extremely efficient, give users a positive experience and lead to actions on the part of the consumer that benefits your brand.

We…Read more

Media Release: IAC Award For Best Consumer Goods Website

LONDON, ON -- Digital Echidna is pleased to accept the 2019 IAC Award for Best Consumer Goods Website for its work with client Wolf Steel Ltd.’s luxury brand of…Read more

DrupalCon Content and Marketing Track Highlights Symbiotic Nature of Content and Technology

For years, I’ve sometimes felt like a content nomad in this digital world, preaching a message of the importance of content as the foundation of all digital…Read more

Serenity Now!

Growing up, like many families in the late 70s/early 80s, we had a poem on our wall -- the Serenity prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I…Read more

Digital Echidna Recognized as a Top Development Firm in Canada

Since the beginning, our goal has been to balance technical expertise with creative flair when building and designing websites, applications, and digital…Read more

The Future of Drupal is Now

Earlier this week, Drupal founder Dries Buytaert shared an update on the arrival of Drupal 9. We have a date --…Read more

Honestly, Customer Service Starts at “Home”

Whether or not we consciously think about it, our social interactions -- both online and off -- colour our perspectives of the companies and brands with which we…Read more