An Introduction to Sarah, Echidna's Accessibility Consultant

My colleague Jay Menard has written several great posts on…Read more

AODA and You: Putting Your Site to the Test

Whether you're developing your site on your own, or maintaining one that's been developed on your behalf, it's always good practice to regularly test that you continue to…Read more

AODA and You: Turnabout and Fair Play

Thinking Ability First is not just about looking past physical and mental limitations, but it's about expanding everyone's horizons.

Earlier this morning, we had…Read more

AODA and You: Alphabet Soup -- WCAG 2.0 A or AA?

A is the best you can do right? Or is it AA? What does WCAG 2.0 mean again?  And what do I really need to do by Jan. 1, 2014 – if anything? What’s the difference between A…Read more

Ask Echidna: Accessing the Internet

We received an e-mail at [email protected] from Ben A. who asks, “I’m working on my own personal Website and I’d like to make it…Read more