The Power of Personalization

The ultimate goal for any company, whether you’re talking online or off, is to provide a user with an experience that completely aligns with their wants,…Read more

Getting a Move On With Accessible Spaces

Our recent move has highlighted for me the benefits of accessible spaces, and the added benefits of thinking accessible, that make a new space a welcoming one.…Read more

London's UX Community to Take Centre Stage Tomorrow

London's emerging user experience industry is ready to take centre stage -- and you're welcome to be a part of a day full of learning, sharing, education,…Read more

Diverse Views Can Strengthen Accessible Solutions

However objective and empathic a designer or developer is, his or her own life experiences and needs will always determine what he or she designs and develops. While…Read more

Make Sure Your Source is the Right One

Proxies, advocates, and representatives are all welcome to participate, but when you want the best quality of information upon which to build the…Read more

Accessibility and the User Experience - Two Sides of the Same Coin

Where does user experience ends and accessibility begin? Aren't they two sides of the same coin? And, if so, how and when should both be incorporated into a project

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We Have the Power -- and Responsibility -- to Ensure the Web We’ve Always Wanted is Open to All

We can create the web we want -- but, to quote Stan Lee, with great power comes great responsibility.

It’s one thing to create the web in our…Read more

Window-Eyes' Shutting Causes Challenges, Changes for Users

Last week marked the end of a long-standing text-to-speech engine, Window-Eyes. More than two decades after its creation…Read more

Artistic Lessons Apply No Matter What the Audience, Organization

Everyone is unique, obviously, but when it comes to facing challenges, we often have markedly similar needs, expectations, and goals. From arts to technology, though the…Read more

Looking Back to Look Forward

We're just under three weeks away from ringing in the New Year. With the holidays approaching, this is the perfect time to reflect upon the year that passed.

It's…Read more

Teaching People that it Should be Hard to Make Life Inaccessible

"It should be hard to make something inaccessible."

That's really it, isn't it?

You wouldn't build structures or create content that excludes people of a…Read more