Don't Template the Life Out of Your Content - How Structure and Creativity Intersect

Creativity and structure may appear to be polar opposites. The truth is that structure can help creativity flourish -- but a template is the wrong way to go.

I…Read more

Learning the Foundations of Persuasive Content

Whether you're writing a theatre review or product copy for the web, the goal is the same -- to be persuasive. And the basic foundational elements to both types of writing…Read more

Nothing Trendy About Quality, Customer-Focused Content

Here's the thing about trends -- they tend to fizzle out. So instead of trying to catch a wave of popularity, businesses should focus on providing their users with content…Read more

A View from the Fringe Shines Light on the Need for Reflection

Your business doesn't remain stagnant. It's constantly evolving -- sometimes in measured increments and giant leaps -- to adjust to changing market dynamics. So why should…Read more

Clever and Cool Does Not Exclude Cautious

The social media environment can be a tricky one to navigate for businesses. After all, you don't want to simply be seen as shoving your brand down people's throat. You…Read more

Three Social Trends; Three Valuable Lessons

OK, we are officially in 2017 now, but it still feels right to look back on the 2016 that was and continue our review of the past year -- and the lessons we can learn from…Read more

Language Matters - 2016 in Review

In my mind, there were two major communications themes that highlighted (or lowlighted, as the case may be) 2016: one, we saw battle lines being drawn over what's been…Read more

Execution at dawn photos only serve to kill interest, excitement

It goes without saying, but content that's complemented with visuals can dramatically improve its look and feel, not to mention …Read more

Be seen, but Don't just be a facade

It's one thing to get noticed. What you do after that is what differentiates you from being a solid partner that can be counted on or merely a good-looking facade with no…Read more

Delivering on your Customer's Expectations? That's music to their ears

Focusing on delivering upon the expectations you have set for your customers is music to your customers' ears. But focusing on your own internal beliefs to the exclusion…Read more

A guide to style guides -- How to Keep your content in Fashion

Certain things never go out of style. But when it comes to content, it behooves you to keep an eye (and an ear) open for terminology and language that may be ready for…Read more

Critical Thinking: The value of Honesty

I believe firmly that diversity of experience helps to make you better at what you do. By day, I'm a content and requirements strategist at Echidna; but by night I write…Read more