Full Disclosure: Integrity in Writing

Content can be great. Context will always make it better.

I've been in this game a while and one of the biggest questions that businesses, politicians,…Read more

The Cautionary Tale of Boaty McBoatface

If you've ever been on a large boat, you know that they're impressive wonders of technology. They can move impressively fast and they can carry a lot of weight. The one…Read more

A Not-By-The-Book Guide to Copywriting and Editing

I firmly believe that if you want to improve your writing and editing skills, you have to take a not-by-the-book approach to skills development.

Earlier today, a…Read more

Hammering Away with the Wrong Communications Tool? That's as Effective as Banging Your Head Against the Wall.

Maslow's hammer states that when all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. It's a concept we often see in communications, but at some point -- if…Read more

To Successfully Create Content You Need to be a 'People' Person

It may be impossible to predict the future, but by understanding the fundamentals you can lay the ground work to succeed no matter what comes. Techonology changes,…Read more

Show Strength or Be Strong? The Answer is Clear

True maturity in content creation and delivery only comes when you understand how to deliver upon the goals that actually matter and subjugate the goals that get in the…Read more

A Super Bowl Game Plan For Content that Scores

As a football fan (both three-down and four-down versions), watching the Super Bowl is something I enjoy doing, with or without a rooting interest. And this year's game…Read more

Still Haven't Found What You're Looking For? Focus Less on Searchability and More on Findability

Anything is searchable.

The key to success is making it findable. And while X may no longer mark the spot, understanding what markers work -- and the routes people…Read more

The Art of the Interview - Drawing Out the Right Answers

Whether it's for a news article or a corporate discovery, success comes from getting the right answers. Not necessarily the easy answers, the expected answers, or the…Read more

Understanding Fandom the First Step in Cultivating Fans

To reach your goals, you need to have fans. But to get fans, you need to understand the nature and causes of fandom.

The NHL season kicked off Wednesday the way it…Read more

Commenting -- Just Because the Bathwater May Get Filthy Doesn't Mean the Process Isn't Worthwhile

See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. But maybe miss out on some good.

There are those who gleefully say, "don't read the comments," when it comes to on-line…Read more

The Path of Least Resistance? It's the One Your Customer Chooses so Keep Multiple Routes Open

The quickest route is always a straight line. But when it comes to delivering value to your consumers, that path might need to be a little more circuitous.

I live…Read more