A Back to School Style Guide for A+ Content
For many people, Labour Day not only marks the end of the summer, but the start of the "year." After all, for a quarter of our lives, we head back to school. And if we…Read more
Don't Just Aggregate, Curate and Add Value
I was reading a few blog posts recently and something struck me as odd. I couldn't put my finger on why they rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, they were lists of links to…Read more
Avoiding Bumps in the Road - Communicating Change
There's an old jocular adage that those of us who have lived for any amount of time in Montreal hold close to our hearts: "There are two seasons in Montreal: winter and…Read more
All the World's a Stage - Messaging Lessons from Home County
It was a beautiful, sunny weekend here in London, ON. The perfect kind of weekend to go strolling in a park and maybe listen to a little music. Fortunately, the…Read more
Make Sure Your Source is the Right One
Proxies, advocates, and representatives are all welcome to participate, but when you want the best quality of information upon which to build the…Read more
You Can Hit a Home Run Even with Your Most Venomous Critic
It is the iconic Canadian band Sloan that sings, "It's not the band I hate, it's their fans." I was reminded of that line this weekend attending a Toronto Blue Jays' game…Read more
In a Bad Situation? Language Matters
Many of you will likely be familiar with the United Airlines mistake. I'm not going to get into what happened -- and lord knows that there have been millions of pixels and…Read more
Fun, Factual, Focused -- How to Write Headlines that Matter
You can have the greatest content in the world, but if you don't have the right hook to attract your readers, then you're only going to lament the opportunity that got…Read more
Artistic Lessons Apply No Matter What the Audience, Organization
Everyone is unique, obviously, but when it comes to facing challenges, we often have markedly similar needs, expectations, and goals. From arts to technology, though the…Read more
Clear Communication, Eliminating Jargon Lets Your Message Hit the Button
Knowing the right words and knowing the right words to use are completely different things -- and understanding the difference can help you hammer home…Read more
Intranet Introspection: Content Matters
If you were to ask me what's the biggest barrier to a smooth project launch, the answer is clear -- content. It doesn't matter if it's creation, editing,…Read more
Fonts, Colours Influence How Your Message is Perceived and Received
When it comes to finding the right font and colour palette for your brand the "i"s have it.
And so do the "a"s, the "t"s, and the "z"s...
It may seem like…Read more