Simple Things Your Company Should Stop Doing Online Right Now

Every client we work with is different. As a result we get to spend lots and lots of time across many different industries, see a mixed bag of projects, meet all types of decision-makers and hear all about their digital marketing goals, challenges and achievements.

That means we're involved in a lot of really kick-ass stuff, but far too often we see things that cause us profound and deep pain - things that are so clearly below today's online standards that no one should be doing them anymore - but unbelievably they are.

I'm sure we could rhyme off dozens of both definite and potential reasons why these things still happen, but does that really matter?  What matters is the fact the these items poorly reflect your business and ultimately they are probably losing you customers.

The below three points aim to help solve that problem. Below are things we see way too often and are happening when they really shouldn't be. How many of these things is your company currently doing. . .

No Quick, Functional, Mobile-Friendly Website - Nearly one third (29%) of mobile phone users access the Internet with their mobile phone. Why wouldn't you spend a few extra bucks to make your site mobile-friendly - seriously? 
Needless Use of Flash - Besides using flash in a completely useless way, which happens a lot, you are pushing away 15M+ potential customers who use apple products. Please don't.
"Yelling" on Twitter / Facebook - There’s nothing “social” about using social media as your own advertising or broadcasting medium.   Consumers are more and more connected through various social networks (i.e., Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and so on). These consumers are also further connecting with brands and are hungry for a more active role in relationships with companies. Time to  reconsider how you connect with consumers.
That's it. Simple things to eliminate. I know there's tons more - add your items in the comment section below.  



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