When the Well Runs Dry -- How to Start a Regular Flow of Quality Content

Sometimes the words don't flow. So, if you're responsible for a corporate blog or social feed, what do you do when the creative well temporarily runs dry?

This…Read more

Do Your Engagements Ring Hollow?

Sometimes we use words with the best intentions but those words can lose their power and their meaning through neglect.

Whether you're talking about business or…Read more

Lessons From Waverley Retirees' Conquering of New Media

The "G"-Unit are at it again. No, not the Queens-based hip-hop crew, but rather the geriatric dancers in London's Waverley retirement residence who have hit the Web with a…Read more

Digital Echidna Job Posting -- Intermediate/Junior Web Developer

If you're interested in joining the Digital Echidna team, we are currently looking for an Intermediate/Junior Web Developer. Please refer to the following for more…Read more

The Perils of (Mis)Communication

Why do many customers have an inherent distrust of companies? Why do they look at public relations and marketing efforts through a jaundiced eye? Because far too many…Read more

Everything Old is Marketed as New Again

Music, fashion, fad diets – and marketing strategies -- they all come around over and over again.

With students returning to school this week, it's intriguing to…Read more

The Who is Only a Small Part. What Really Matters

Metrics and measurables are always important – especially in the world of business communication. But in hunting high and low for that magic bullet, we tend to overlook…Read more

Faking Twitter? Like Eating a Bad Burrito Nothing Good Ever Comes from It

Are you thinking of acting like Chipotle’s social team? Then you run the risk of unwrapping a whole lot of trouble for your business. After all, faking social content is a…Read more

Kekkou Desu Mr. Roboto - The Perils Of Content Automation

One of the goals of any social media/communications strategy is to actively and rapidly engage with your customer base when they reach out to you. But the metrics you need…Read more

Is it Really Possible to Laugh Your Way to the Bank? Humour, Virality, and Business

Humour can be a powerful branding weapon when wielded appropriately. Generally when used as quick, dagger-like strikes designed to pierce the social Zeitgeist, it can…Read more

Your Tweets - Who Can Can See What

Today's post and the accompanying downloadable graphic are inspired by a question I tend to get often - I don't understand who can see my tweets.

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Are You a Social Media Mosquito? Your Voice May be Bugging Your Customers

There’s a device known as 'The Mosquito' that’s used outside of businesses. It's designed to emit a high-frequency sound that only youth can hear and is intended to keep…Read more