Free Statistics For My Website?!?

Have you ever wished that could track the number of page hits on your website? Which page on your website is most popular, how much time a user spends on your website or…Read more

Re-Thinking the Way We Design Websites

Jeffrey Zeldman, author of Designing With Web Standards, said it best, “content proceeds design,…Read more

Strike a Happy Balance

Many times we have clients approach us with great ideas, but they do not have the budget to match. In a service industry, we always strive to make the client happy - but…Read more

Should Research and Development Be Done on Company Time?

Many companies struggle to justify the cost/time of Research and Development, especially in tough economical times. Many organizations see the value of Research and…Read more

What's in a Name?

With the Internet becoming increasingly crowded, finding a good domain name has become a difficult endeavour. Therefore, we have come up with a few tips that should help…Read more

My Card Says Plumber, But I Am a Doctor on the Weekend ...

Most people would not hire a plumber to perform a surgical procedure, yet it seems that many people would hire their plumber to do their website. I admit that comparing a…Read more

I Hate My Website ...

Many people might say that they "hate their website", but very few can explain why. Now before we go on about the red background or the wrong pictures being placed in the…Read more

Ask your web developer this question...

"Is my site coded with a table-less design?"

While table-less web design has been around for years a large number of web developers still don't see…Read more