Captioning -- How Not to Get Lost in Translation

For many organizations, a video is a great way to introduce clients to your business. It provides a quick overview, helps people visualize the workplace environment, and…Read more

Lessons From Waverley Retirees' Conquering of New Media

The "G"-Unit are at it again. No, not the Queens-based hip-hop crew, but rather the geriatric dancers in London's Waverley retirement residence who have hit the Web with a…Read more

It's time to focus your marketing efforts

Social media is undoubtedly the ‘buzzword’ of the year so it’s no surprise that when you start think about marketing your brain quickly turns to Twitter, Facebook…Read more

Does Your Business Have a Social Media Voice? - Let's Build One!

In business, social media has grown from an “I know we should be using it” attitude to "It's an essential component of any online strategy".  Businesses typically use some…Read more

Social Media Best Practices

Social Media is everywhere and it is starting to play a major role in the workforce as part of a company’s marketing strategy…the question becomes when to use social media…Read more

How To Create Your Own YouTube Channel

Web videos are becoming an increasingly popular way to display content online (some companies are even turning their blogs into…Read more

Facebook adopts a democratic policy process

Merely weeks after quietly changing their terms of service, Facebook attempts to minimize the backlash by letting its members have input into any future policy revisions.…Read more