To Use Image Links, or Not to Use Image Links...

Successful websites have a logical navigation that allows users to quickly and easily find the information they are looking for. Usability, design and messaging are all important concepts to think about when you start to structure your website navigation.

At Echidna, we go through an extensive discovery process that helps us to understand your business and website goals, which in turn allows us to create a logical navigation system that will work for your target audience.

However, when it comes to navigation and design, it can be a challenge to decide whether images, Flash or text will make up your navigation structure for multiple reasons.

Here are some things to consider when making the decision between images and text.

Image links (or Flash):

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Not searchable
  • Do not aid in SEO (not indexed by search engines)
  • Not accessible (because they cannot be increased in size)
  • Cannot be edited on the fly by your CMS

Text links:

  • Searchable
  • Help in SEO (indexed by search engines)
  • Accessible (because they are adjustable in size)
  • Can be edited on the fly by your CMS
  • Not as “fancy” design wise

Tip - if you do decide to use Flash or Images as part of your website navigation, have a text-based version located somewhere on your website, for example in the footer.



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