Getting to the Heart of Pain Takes the Right People, Reasons, and Discussions

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time negotiating pain. Nothing personal, mind you, but working professionally to help both clients and groups…Read more

How to Make Mindfulness a Part of Every Day

Earlier this week, we recognized World Mental Health Day. Events like this are wonderful ways to coalesce our collective attention on an issue. Unfortunately,…Read more

Artificial “Ends” Can Help Kickstart Success

It’s my last post of the year!

Well, that’s not entirely true, but for many of us the arrival of Labour Day feels like we’re…Read more

Remote Control: Helping Employees Feel Included, No Matter Where they Are

From a practical point of view, offering workers the ability to work remotely (or from home) can solve a lot of problems. For people with disabilities, it…Read more

Where Tech Fails, Humans Can Prevail

When you’re a company that deals in products and/or services, customer service is key to ongoing sustainability. And one key to delivering superlative…Read more

What's the Deal with Mega Navs?

When you want to pack a lot of content in a prominent place on your site, Mega Navs often seem like the ideal solution. But before you make that decision,…Read more

Even More Lessons From the Fringes

When you’re communicating with anyone -- clients, potential customers, employees, or the general public -- trust is the strongest currency you can have. And that…Read more

Developing Tools to Keep you Organized

“I’m really busy right now.” Or… “I’ll get to that when things slow down.” The thing is, things never really do slow down, do they? There may be odd peak…Read more

How To Optimize Your Website Speed For Mobile: Google Speed Update Is Coming

It’s now been a few months since Google announced that, as of this…Read more

Board Participation - Sometimes You Need to be the Willow

In woodworking, a board needs to be relatively rigid and strong enough to support weight. In organizations, that weight-bearing responsibility remains --…Read more

Reviewing, Reporting, Communications - Six Foundational Items that Transcend All

A few weeks ago, I had the honour of teaching a class at Western's Faculty of Information & Media Studies. The instructor, Dan Brown, is a friend of mine and teaches a…Read more

Five Hard Truths About the Soft Skills that Set New Job Hunters Apart

It can feel challenging to find a job once you’ve finished school and are entering the working world (often with little or no work specific experience) --…Read more