Sharing Stories Using Their Own Words

The great thing about writing is that there's no one perfect way to do it. We all develop our skills and styles. As we progress through our career, we pick up additional…Read more

Contextualizing Screams - Using Photo, Video, and Text to Share Your Business Passion

Sometimes, in business, the best way to express yourself isn't through words, but through a 'scream.'

My music tastes run in cycles. Currently, I'm firmly in the…Read more

Only “You” Can Cut Through Advertising Clutter

When it comes to cutting through the clutter, the savvy business knows that only "you" matter.

To start with, let me reiterate the fact that I really hate the term…Read more

Catchy Copy? It's a Numbers Game

This blog is by no means political, but it can be inspired by politics. Why? Because at its root successful politics is about communicating a message to the electorate.…Read more

When the Well Runs Dry -- How to Start a Regular Flow of Quality Content

Sometimes the words don't flow. So, if you're responsible for a corporate blog or social feed, what do you do when the creative well temporarily runs dry?

This…Read more

Building Stories

It's a cultural lesson that resonates with business – when it comes to building a successful story, focus on the people.

We recently participated in the…Read more

Don’t Just Curate, Create

You can't be seen a 'thought leader' if you spend all your time serving as a window to someone else's words.

On Monday, I talked about the need for medical centres…Read more

Looking for the Right Words? Be Like Mike

Advertising, building a Web site, coming up with branding standards – pretty much everything you do on-line and off is designed to convince people to buy your products,…Read more

Extra! Extra! Make Your Newsletter Newsworthy

The newsletter: it can be management’s Nirvana and a communicator’s nightmare. But with a little planning, understanding, and talent, you can create newsletters that…Read more

COPE-ing with Copy 301: The Devil’s in the Details

When it comes to truly embracing the COPE ideal, the devil truly is in the details. And by changing your perspective of content from being one monolithic block to a…Read more

The Dawning of the Age of Honesty

People got it wrong about this whole Mayan Calendar thing. It was never an apocalyptic vision of the future. Rather, the end of that calendar signifies the dawning of a…Read more

How Rick Springfield Predicted the Future of Internet Commerce in the Year 1983

Nostradamus? The Mayans? Carnac the Magnificent? Wiarton Willie? All fine prognosticators in their own right, but all pale in comparison to the most prescient of them all…Read more