Being SMART About Networking Gets Results

An image of two hands shaking.

Today Echidna’s director of development, Yan Zhang, and I are attending Western University’s Computer Science Breakfast. But we want to do more than just shake a few hands -- our goal is to really get to know students, learn where their interests lie, and see if we could find any Drupal Stars in the making.

While it’s great to go back to Western as an Alumni and meet students with bright futures ahead, I also remember being in their position at events like these. I remember how awkward and nerve-wracking it can feel to go up and introduce yourself to a company representative.

So let me give you some advice -- if you think SMART, you will shine!

Small Talk

What does Nike always say? Just do it! That’s good advice for networking. Just walk up to a company representative, just shake his or her hand, and just introduce yourself. After all, that is why we are there.

We want to get to know you and small talk is a great way to start. Talk about the weather, sports, Western, your program, or the company -- the list goes on and on. Just find a way to break the ice and start the conversation.  

Make Friends

Find common ground with the person you are talking to and talk about your interests and hobbies.

A go-to at the Computer Science breakfast, is programming! We love hearing about your passion for programming, computer science, and problem solving. Shared interests often make for much deeper and memorable conversations. Try to find those common ties.

Ask Questions

This is an important step. You want to show you are very interested and asking questions about the company or the representative’s role is a great start.

Remember, people who ask more questions get more face time and develop a stronger connection with the company representative. And that means those company representatives will likely have an easier time remembering who you were!


This isn’t an interview. There aren’t any skill-testing questions. We’re not giving you a grade. So relax! Be present in the moment and try to make a true connection with the representative.

Take Home a Touchpoint

Get a business card or contact information so you can follow-up after the event. Then ACTUALLY follow-up with an email or LinkedIN invite. This could be a great connection when you are looking for a co-op, internship, summer job, or future career!

Being SMART isn’t always easy but if you put in the time and effort and set your nerves aside, you can make some great connections for the future! You never know when or where an opportunity will arise.

And for more ideas about getting noticed by businesses -- before, during, and after networking events, check out Jay’s Students2Business-inspired post from 2014 about how adding a little TROUBLE to your life can lead to future success. 

Remember, we’re always looking for talent. If you feel that you’d be a great addition to our team, please check out Digital Echidna's careers page or send me an e-mail.



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