Your Internet Company Told You...What?

Last week, myself and the rest of the Echidna team attended DrupalCon Chicago, a conference for Drupal users, developers, designers and businesspeople. Anything and everything Drupal was talked about at this conference and sessions were categorized by beginner, intermediate and advanced so you could choose sessions that suited you.

The educational sessions ranged from designing in Drupal to user experience to project management, java script, wireframing and so much more. One of the sessions I attended talked about frequent “web myths” that I thought were kind of funny and would be interesting to share with you.

Myth #1: “You don’t need to wireframe.”

  • Wireframes are key to any successful web development project. Wireframes (or web page layouts) are the programmers, designers and consultant’s brainstorming ideas and should be a part of the workflow process. Whether you’re sketching a wireframe on a piece of paper or creating one in Cacoo – wireframes are important. We need to show our work. We need to brainstorm. We need to wireframe.

Myth #2: “We’ve completed the SEO on your website.”

  • SEO (search engine optimization) is never complete. Websites and Google are living entities that are always changing and adapting (especially those websites built on Content Management Systems – CMS). Therefore, your SEO campaign needs to change and adapt too in order to stay relevant in Google’s search rankings.  

Myth #3: “Social media does not affect Google’s search rankings.”

  • It is a proven fact that social mediums do affect Google’s search rankings. Even if all you have is a Facebook page (no website, SEO or online ad campaign), your business or organization can still be picked up by Google. 

Myth #4: “Online marketing is not important.”

  • Traditional advertising methods are becoming less and less popular. Print, billboard and radio advertising is not measureable and is just too expensive. More and more individuals are starting their searches for a business, product or service online – if you don’t have an online presence, you’re not going to be found or contacted.

Do you have any “web myths” to share? What has your Internet or Web Company told you?



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