Using Text Messaging in your Lead Generation

Recently I found myself in a conversation about how businesses attempt to find solid leads. WARNING, if you don't want to learn how to get first-rate leads, leave this blog now. And if you do, then you're in luck.
Below are a few techniques I suggested in my recent conversation that can help you find extra leads, add sales and make more connections. At the end of the day, all your doing is utilizing the fact that most people now own and widely use a smartphone. An increased usage in mobile has taken many businesses by surprise - but not intelligent businesses like yours!
Email Newsletter via Text Message
For those of you who already have an email newsletter, you know that the more subscribers you get, the better. Not many people think much about when is the best time to sign people up, which is when they’re most enthusiastic. If you force them to wait and remember to sign up at some other time, chances are they won't do so.
Simple Two Step Solution
- A simple text-message auto responder
- A signup webpage, ideally one as mobile-friendly as possible
How It Works?
You simply ask people to text a single word to a five-digit number. For example, suppose your company is a Wellness Centre. In your marketing, seminars and ads, invite people to text the word “LIFE” to the five-digit number (this is known as a short code - shorter than the regular, 10 digit phone number).
Text Your Existing Mailing List
A powerful tool, that many just aren't using. Instead of gathering email addresses, collect prospects phone numbers, and their permission to get texts from you. Think about it, how long does it take your potential client to open an email when it hits their inbox? In comparison, think about how long it takes before they open a text message from the time they receive it.
Try Using QR Codes
Make it easy for your people to take action! If you have an email list already, throw up a QR Code in your next newsletter that points to your signup form and see how it works.
Create Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages
For most of the above, you’ll need to set up a webpage form usable on mobile phones. You can't test all phones, but try the moist widely used phones - iPhone, Android and the newer Blackberry devices.
Pick One, Try It and Measure
If you’re doing a speak or seminar, you might be chomping at the bit to use all of these tactics at the same time. DON'T! It's best to test these tehm in different talks, and keep the one that work and get you the best results.