Online Content: What makes it great?

We’ve previously talked about your online content and how getting started is tough. Whether you’re writing for the web, social media or you’re writing a 20-page report, writing is not always an easy task.

Bulleted lists, proper use of headings and the motto “less is always more on the web” will help you write good content, but what takes your online content from good to GREAT?

Here are a few tips from our team to you:

  • Your content should have a CLEAR PUROPOSE. Ask yourself; why am I writing this content in the first place? Will it benefit my readers and target audience? If you don’t have a clear purpose and can’t support the rationale for why you’re adding ‘that’ page to the website – don’t add it!
  • Your content should be ACTION-ORIENTED. What is a user supposed to do after they’ve read the content on your homepage? Don’t leave your user hanging. Use descriptive text like “Need more information? Connect with me @erinbrinen!” OR “Take our Free 15-Minute Survey”.
  • Your content should be ENGAGING. Allow your visitors to comment and participate in the conversation. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Leave comments turned on and consider adding a 5-star rating tool, or the Facebook “Like” button to your blog for quick and easy user feedback.
  • Your content should be UPDATED. There is nothing worse than landing on a website and noticing that the blog or events calendar hasn’t been updated for months. Keep your content current and up to date. And remember, if you don’t have the internal resources to update your website content – a static brochure website can be okay too.

What are some of your tips, tricks and advice for writing great online content?



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