A Letter from PodCamp London ...

New media enthusiasts met this past Saturday April 25th, at Station Park All Suite Hotel, for the "unconference" - PodCamp London. PodCamp London brought together people interested in podcasting, blogging, social media and other new technologies that are emerging on the web. The event drew participants from London and surrounding area, as well as Hamilton and Toronto.


The benefit of Podcamp London was for people of varying levels of expertise to come together and learn from each other. The sessions were very interactive and people learned - not only from the presenters - but also from the knowledge base in the rooms. "The Law of Two Feet" - was implemented - meaning that if you were not gaining any value from the session you were in, you were free to move to another ongoing session.

If you were not able to attend, you could still participate as all sessions were streamed live online and questions were encouraged from those watching/participating remotely. Many people sent "tweets", via twitter, from the sessions to make sure friends and "followers" could also learn from the event.

Thanks to Bill Deys and all of the sponsors for bringing this event to London and I can guarantee that PodCamp London 2010 will be a spectacular event!

To learn more about this event please visit www.podcamplondon.com. I am sure that I will see many of you there next year!




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