Fatima Khalid - A Rising Star Gets Recognized

We’re thrilled to announce that Digital Echidna’s Fatima Khalid is the recipient of the Women in Communications and Technology’s Leadership Excellence Award -- Rising Star! She’ll be off to our nation’s capital in April to receive the award and we couldn’t be more thrilled.
I nominated Fatima on behalf of the company to recognize her incredible efforts. She also received a trio of glowing letters of support for her nomination.
As to why she’s deserving? Let’s let our nomination submission speak for itself:
“At a young age, Fatima Khalid has already made a dramatic impact on both the local, London community and the Drupal community as a whole. Fatima came to Digital Echidna following a stint working in Boston's municipal government.
Fatima has been active in the Drupal community, sitting on the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (drupaldiversity.com). She twice has been a recipient of a DrupalCon scholarship (2017, 2018). Scholarships are awarded based on the impact or influence the applicant has in his or her home region's Drupal community and Drupal adoption. Fatima has also been interviewed multiple times by the CBC both in regards to diversity in the workplace and the role of women in technology.
And she has done all of this whilst being relatively new to London herself.
Raised in New York City and having worked in Boston, MA., Fatima joined the Digital Echidna team just over a year ago. She has brought with her an incredible passion for learning and advocacy.
In addition to her aforementioned diversity roles, Fatima is also a strong advocate for Civic Technology, having worked previously with a volunteer organization in Boston and transferring those skills and experiences to London's fledgling CivicTech startup -- also in a volunteer role.
Fatima has thrust herself into the community and is constantly looking to integrate more people into the experiences that are provided. She has been a strong supporter of Digital Echidna's corporate social responsibility efforts, participating in many of our activities, including the Business Cares Food Drive.”
If you’ve had the opportunity to work with Fatima either locally or around the world, you know every word is true. And a special thanks goes out to Lauren Lockwood, Matt Stempeck, and Nikki Stevens for their kind words in the form of testimonial letters supporting the application.
On behalf of everyone here at Digital Echidna, I ask you to join us in congratulating Fatima for this amazing recognition.
Who won the WCT Leadership awards?