The Digital Echidna Playoff Beard Grow Off

An image of the Burridge Block, with a "Breaking News" ticker below it.

There is a fine tradition amongst Canadian hockey players and their fans of the Playoff Beard. The staff members of Digital Echidna have decided to get in the spirit of the game, but ensure that the citizens of London are the true winners.

As of today, eight Digital Echidna staff members went clean shaven to participate in the Digital Echidna Playoff Beard Grow Off. The clean-shaven faces are now on-line for viewing and Londoners will be able to 'bet' on which Echidna will grow the longest beard by May 30th.

Each bet costs $10 and all funds will be donated to Digital Echidna's charity of choice -- the Echidna Solutions Corporation Community Investment Fund, which is administered by the London Community Foundation.

"We have more than our fair share of beards here at Digital Echidna," explained its clean-shaven owner, Andrew McClenaghan. "A few staff were talking at lunch and thought it would be fun to have a beard-growing contest. And I'm proud to say that their first thought was raising money for our charity."

The participants range from the historically hirsute to the facially follicularly challenged, so for the voters it's a game of chance (or, perhaps, intuition). One person amongst the voters for the Echidna winner will win a prize -- but the focus is on fun, frivolity, and fundraising for a worthy cause.

"We have a lot of hockey fans -- hairy hockey fans, as it turns out -- here at Digital Echidna," explained content strategist Jay Menard, who is administering this competition. "We also have a lot of staff that are strongly involved in their communities. This is just another way to help support a city that has given us so much and supported our growth. It's a little bit of fun for a good cause."

The Beard Off has already caused a bit of a ripple both in the participants' personal and professional lives. Some have had a beard for years -- and the change has been noticable. 

But you can see for yourself -- visit the Live Beard Grow Off page for information on the contest, along with participant 'hockey cards' including photos and bios.

To donate, either click on the donate button of the page (and make sure to put the name of your Echidna of choice in the "Add special instructions to sell" field of the donation form), or drop by 200-365 Talbot St. and ask for Jay or Joy.

Thank you all for supporting this event!




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