Getting Started With Your E-Newsletter

In April we posted a blog that talked about 10 simple tips you can do to improve your organization’s newsletter (print or online). By adding a statement of purpose, using engaging headlines and ensuring your newsletter is proofread and edited multiple times, you can greatly improve the readability and success of your newsletter.

But, now you’re ready to create an e-newsletter. Perhaps because you’re tired of wasting paper or spending money on printing costs. So where do you begin?

At Echidna we use a third party source called Campaign Monitor to send out our monthly newsletter. Summarizing our weekly blogs and recent news, we create a short and reader friendly newsletter.

Our goal and purpose – to provide tips, tricks, opinions and advice to our clients on their online marketing strategy.

The beauty of Campaign Monitor (or other third party sources like MailChimp) is that you can store a design template (whether you create this yourself OR have a graphic designer create this for you), that is consistent across all of your other branding materials and remains consistent each month. You can also store multiple recipient lists and view reports of who has opened, read and/or clicked on the external links in your newsletter.

Not sure what content to put in your e-newsletter? If your current website is built on a CMS it’s likely that you’re already posting dynamic content like recent news, events, stories and maybe even blogs relevant to your organization. So, why not drive more traffic to your website using this content that you’re already working so hard to create?

Summarizing content that you’re already producing within your organization is one of the quickest and easiest ways to create a monthly e-newsletter - this plus a third party source is the key to creating a simple and user friendly e-newsletter.

To get started with Campaign Monitor check out more tips here!




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