Two Sessions Not To Miss At IslandoraCon

sketch of conference table with coffee mug, nametag, notebook

Drupal development firms often work with clients who are using Islandora to manage their digital asset repositories. So when Islandora 8 was released earlier this year, we were all pleased to see that it had an even tighter relationship with Drupal than it did previously. 

This is a welcome evolution, as I have long held the belief that there are great opportunities for growth with Islandora and Drupal integration.

Designers, developers, and Islandora community enthusiasts (myself included) will soon be descending upon the great city of Vancouver for the third-ever IslandoraCon. 

As fierce proponents of open-source web development, Digital Echidna is a proud sponsor of this conference. 

Adding to the excitement is that the conference takes place only a few months after the release of Islandora 8. There are so many great workshops and sessions, including two I have a hand in presenting. 

Plugin for Success: Custom Code to Add Your Own Magic to Islandora 8

Monday, October 7th at 3:00 p.m.

From what I have seen, the ability to write plugins (e.g. Field Formatter) will be key to extending Islandora 8’s featureset. During this session I will explore that connection and review the why, whats, and hows of Drupal plugins.  

Story City: An interactive rich media case study

Tuesday, October 8 at 3:30 p.m.

David C. Waddell of Vancouver Public Library will be with me to discuss the development and timeline of the library’s Islandora-backed Story City interactive map.  

This presentation is an extension of the Story City case study session I gave that was well-received at DrupalCon 2019 in Seattle. I am looking forward to getting it in front of the Islandora community. 

Part of the talk will focus on the custom Drupal module developed as part of the Story City project. This module has been released to the Islandora Foundation to be of use to the Islandora community.  It includes functionality that allows any Islandora asset with geographic data to be plotted on a map. It sounds simple, but it really was a step forward in design and development. 

If you want a recording of either of these two sessions, email me and I will share it with you upon my return to Ontario. 

And if you’re a part of the Islandora community -- or looking to learn more -- I hope to see you in Vancouver!


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Questions Answered

Where is IslandoraCon 2019?

Who goes to IslandoraCon?



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