Content Strategy & Architecture

Content Strategy (CS) and architecture is slowly, but steadily climbing the ladder and becoming a respected process in website development.

With CS, you have a well…Read more

Social Websites

Interactive websites. Social websites. Websites as a communication tool. More and more we’re hearing these phrases and wondering “what do they mean?…Read more

Know Your Audience - the Public

In my last post, “A 1.0 World versus a 2.0 World”, I mentioned that a 2.0 World is not just about…Read more

Has Social Media Ruined Our Social Skills?

In October of 2009, Soren Gordhamer, blogged on “The 5 Ways in Which Social Media has…Read more

If A Tree Falls

In London and abroad, many companies are doing great things - but nobody seems to know or notice. The question that must be asked is:
What is your company…Read more

Obama Unveils New Presidential Web Site

In keeping with the theme that swept President Obama into the Oval Office, change has come to the official White House Web site.

Almost at the instant Obama was…Read more