Reviewing, Reporting, Communications - Six Foundational Items that Transcend All

A few weeks ago, I had the honour of teaching a class at Western's Faculty of Information & Media Studies. The instructor, Dan Brown, is a friend of mine and teaches a…Read more

Fun, Factual, Focused -- How to Write Headlines that Matter

You can have the greatest content in the world, but if you don't have the right hook to attract your readers, then you're only going to lament the opportunity that got…Read more

Don't Template the Life Out of Your Content - How Structure and Creativity Intersect

Creativity and structure may appear to be polar opposites. The truth is that structure can help creativity flourish -- but a template is the wrong way to go.

I…Read more

Guidelines on Guidelines - Official Does Not Have to Be Ostentatious

Does a document have to be weighty to carry weight? Does the more syllables used in a word add more gravitas to the statement? Or is an abundance of business speak only…Read more

Passionate Neutrality -- Biz Writing at its Finest

It’s a fine line between telling a story and being a shill – and, for business writers and media-types alike, I define that line using the following term: Passionate…Read more