Don’t Find Your Voice. Refine It. Your Brand Should Not Be a Costume

Last night was Hallowe’en. Kids and adults alike dressed up, affected new mannerisms and appearances, and enjoyed the evening. And, at the end of the day, they…Read more

There's No Such Thing as a Brand Journalist, But You Can Use Journalism to Tell Your Story

The Holy Grail for any company, when it comes to promotion, is positive earned media -- getting your story out to the masses, through a neutral third-party, that presents…Read more

Cast Too Wide a Net and Valuable Fish will Slip Through

As any angler worth his or her salt knows, if you’re not using the right bait and equipment, it’s far more difficult to catch fish. And, when it comes to your business…Read more

If You're Different, You Don't Necessarily Have to Be Better

Last week, the client services team at Echidna headed to The Art of Marketing (#TAOM) Conference in Toronto and listened to…Read more