My Website Looks Different in Internet Explorer!

Why does my website look different in Firefox and Internet Explorer? Where are my rounded corners?

If you’re a web designer, developer or maybe an online consultant like me, you’ve heard these questions before. Clients often wonder (and rightly so), why the web design they signed off on doesn’t look the same on all computers and in all web browsers.

In an interesting article written by Paul Boag, he explains just this:

“For far too long we have treated design on the web like designing for print. This is changing. The web is a very different medium than print. When people view your website they do so with a variety of different browsers and devices. Each device and software version displays websites in subtlety different ways. Where in print you know everybody will see the same thing, on the web there are no such guarantees. By accepting that the web is different, a number of benefits become available...”

For this very reason, at Echidna, we’re starting to make the shift from designing in Photoshop to designing online. Our motto, the sooner we can take our web design concept from Photoshop to the browser – the better!

When you design in the browser, the design the client is viewing, is the design the client will get. There are no surprises later on.  3D images, rounded corners, shadows and fonts can all be reviewed and approved online by the design team and the client.

As a web professional, it’s my responsibility to educate clients on the differences between web browsers, as well as the best practice concepts for designing online. The Internet is confusing, but that’s why I’m here to help!  

Still confused? Check out Paul Boag’s article in full and feel free to ask us any questions at all!




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