I Don't Like that Design

Are you in charge of your company’s new web project?

If so, listen in. Whether you’re redeveloping the corporate website or building a mini-site for your next big product launch, GET READY, because being a leader is not always easy. 

Picture this….

You’ve been working with a professional web team for a few months now. You’ve defined your audience, web project goals and objectives, as well as your company’s corporate brand/identity. Your web team has brought back a fabulous design that meets all of your expectations and more importantly, meets all of your target audience’s needs. It’s time to get sign-off from your boss, but you’re not worried because the design looks great. Trust me, it’s NOT that simple. 

Design sign-off and consensus is one of the most difficult things to achieve between a group of individuals. Design, whether in print or web, is subjective and usually falls back onto a personal preference, like or dislike – it might not be fair, but it’s a fact.

Your boss, your manager and others within the company as well, will usually have a few comments on the new web design that you’re so proud off. This can be frustrating, but don’t give up. When you’re about to show your new web design off, take a deep breath and keep these few tips in mind.

  • Rather than asking how your boss or manager likes the design, ask how he/she feels the target audience will react to the web design?
  • Ask your boss if the design meets the company’s business objectives and if it’s clear what a user is supposed to do once they land on the homepage of the website.
  • And most importantly, NEVER send the design around via email and ask, “What do you think?”. Book a meeting with the decision makers and explain the process of how and why this design came about.

Keeping these few tips in mind, you’re now ready to take on the challenge and receive sign-off on the web design. Do you have any tips or tricks on receiving design sign-off?





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